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All You Wanted to Know About Whey Protein and Benefits of Their Intake

Whey Protein is a mixture of protein components derived from whey which exists in a liquid state and is a by-product of cheese production. Whey protein today is being ingested as a dietary supplement by people around the globe owing to the many health benefits associated with its regular intake.

You too can source these supplements from the nearest health store. To buy online, Google the product by using relevant keywords. Whey protein is not just another health supplement and its consumption is supposed to bring in the following benefits:
  • Helps in losing fat: A group of researchers in Minnesota conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of whey protein in reducing weight and fat. The caloric intake of subjects was reduced to 500 calories for 12 weeks. Some participants were administered a regular dose of whey protein while the rest were given some another beverage. The subjects whose diet included whey protein lost 6.1% of their body fat. Moreover these individuals were found to have developed lean muscle. Opting for these supplements, therefore can be of help in case you are trying to shrug off extra body weight.
  • Helps in building stamina and facilitates the formation of muscles: A regular intake of whey protein can help your body in developing fat-free muscle and boosting your stamina.
  • Lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health: Research shows that regular intake of whey protein supplements helps in maintaining a healthy heart. Including these components in your diet can therefore protect you against life threatening heart related ailments like hypertension and heart attack.
  • Reduces hunger: A study conducted by a group of Australian researchers has proved the efficacy of whey protein in suppressing hunger. Subjects included 28 obese men who were administered a dose of four different drinks, one of which included a mixture of a certain beverage and 50 grams of whey. The results at the conclusion of the research period showed a considerable drop in build-up of ghrelin (a hormone responsible for communicating hunger to the brain) in men whose drink included whey. Regular intake of this component can help you in curbing hunger pangs, the first effective step towards weight loss.
  • Strengthens the immune system: Glutathione is lost when you do physically strenuous activities like aerobics. Intensive exercises have an adverse effect on the nervous system and the gastrointestinal system. Including a specified amount of whey in your regular diet can help strengthen your overall immune system.

These are just some of the benefits of using whey protein supplements. Regular intake would therefore help you in leading a healthy and active life.

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